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A propos de antoinjaajaa

Antoin , 61 ans , Homme , Greater-beirut-area
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Apparence physique

Apparence physique Très bien
Taille 1m75
Poids Proportionnel
Peau Claire ou très claire
Cheveux Noirs
Cheveux (longueur) Courts
Cheveux (style) Raides
Yeux Verts
Tatouage(s) Non
Piercing(s) Non

Mode de vie

Sports Aerobic sportive
Centre(s) d'intéret Animaux, Art moderne
Fume Non
Alcool Non

Pour en savoir plus

Métier Psychologue
Scolarité CEP
Situation Célibataire
Enfant(s) Aucun
Désire un/des enfant(s) Oui
Animal(aux) Oui
Désire un/des animal(aux) Oui
Vis-tu seul(e) ? Oui
Recherche Une femme
Relation Amoureuse
Orientation Hétérosexuel(le)
Trait(s) de caractère Accueillant, Affectueux
Signe astrologique Capricorne


I follow my words and I'm a man of my words. I'm single never married, seeking for a long term relationship that could lead to marriage. I'm cleansed with my own tears for true love, so I will remain pure. I look up high to see only the light, and never look down to see my shadow. By true love, I could live on the fragrance of the earth, and like an air plant be sustained by the light. I have a strong personality. I'm self confident, strong willed, romantic, sensual, independent, honest, sincere, upright, patient, persistent, very bold, refined, talented, corageous, valiant, manifold and many sided... I'm very educated and well mannered. I always develop myself and I treat others the way I want them to treat me. I will stay clean, upright, transparent, charitable, patient in pain, strong and above all lowly passions. Otherwise, I'm very fond of music and dance, because dancing give me the chance to express my emotions, and it arouses different feelings in my soul. So I'm very calm in my life, but very crazy in my love. I adore Love and Beauty because they have some reflections in me. I want to live by kindness which should be the source of every law upon the earth. To me, the true great love makes miracles and heals from diseases. It is boundless and has no age. Effectively, I prefer death through happiness of love a thousandfold to life in vain and despair. I prefer to be a dreamer among modest and poor men, than being a rich man among those who are without dreams and desires. By true love, my second nature can transform me in one new person. So I must be devoted to love and life, because, what I get out of it depends of what I put into it. And all my life, I've been searching for the true love, for a face, for a look... I'm perpetually in a state of wandering, searching my future beloved. It's so easy to find a person to live with, but it's so hard to find the one without whom I can't live.
True love has no age limit. Age is just a number. True love has no nationality, no colour, no distance, no barriers and no boundaries. True love isn't finding a perfect person. It's seeing an imperfect person perfectly. An interesting person is a person who is interested. If we want someone to stay in our life, we must never be indifferent to him. When someone shows me who he is, I believe him the first time.
The smarter the woman is, the more difficult it's to find the right man. A smart woman knows how to love, but a smarter woman knows who to love. For a woman, beauty is more important than intelligence, because it's easier for a man to look than to think. To me, It's better to wait long than to marry wrong. Being alone may scare me, but staying in a bad relationship will damage me. If you can't communicate with me when I am in a bad mood, you don't deserve me in a good mood. Life is like riding a bike, to keep my balance I have to keep moving. A good woman is not interested in my money or my status. What she wants from me is my time, loyalty, love and commitment. It's said: "Those who are alike come together".
I prefer my future wife to be very elegant because a truly elegant taste is generally accompanied with excellency of heart. So she will be charming, exciting, cute, gorgeous, seductive and attractive. Romantic and very sensual. Extrovert, open kind heart. Very tender, affectionate and passionate. Jovial, joyful, cheerful, and optimistic. Very fond of being petted, and she longs to be hugged and cuddled. She has a good sense of humor and she possess unlimited feelings and sentiments. She has a nice behavior and good habit. She likes music and dance, because dancing gives her the chance to express her emotions, and arouses different feelings in her soul. And finally, she must be very proud of her femininity and her sensuality.
(Clinical psychology)

Si vous étiez...

Une personne célèbre ? 
Un métier ? 
Une sensation ? 
Un sentiment ? 
Une phobie ? 
Un vice ? 
Un défaut ? 
Une qualité ? 
Un rêve ? 
Un symbole ? 
Un objet utile ? 
Un dessous féminin ? 
Un dessous masculin ? 
Un gadget ? 
Une partie du corps humain ? 
Une idée récurrente ? 
Un élément ? 
Une catastrophe naturelle ? 
De la nourriture ? 
Une boisson ? 
Un alcool ? 
Un film ? 
Un dessin animé ? 
Une couleur ? 
Mort ? 
Une rencontre ? 

Est ce que tu...

Fumes ? 
Te drogues ? 
Bois ? 
Es amoureux(se) ? 
As déjà aimé ? 
Es prêt(e) à tuer pour tes principes ? 
As une passion dans la vie ? 
Expérimentes des trucs de ta propre initiative ? 
Es influençable ? 
As besoin de conseil ? 
As des amis ? 
Prends / as pris des anti-dépresseurs ? 
Rencontre ? 

Qui a-t-il ?

Sous ton lit ? 
Dans ta tête ? 
Dans ta bibliothèque ? 
Sur ton bureau ? 
Dans ta salle de bain ? 
Dans ton sac de cours et/ou à main ? 
Dans tes rêves ? 
Dans tes fantasmes ? 
Dans tes cauchemars ? 
Dans ton frigo ? 
Dans ton ventre ? 
Sous tes bras ? 

Si tu devais rajouter quelque chose ?

De ton physique ? 
De ta situation actuelle ? 
De ton caractère ?
De ton attitude ? 
De ta vie ? 
De ton environnement ? 
De ta chambre ? 
De ta famille ? 

Qu'est ce qui te fait...

Sourire ? 
Pleurer ? 
Te lever le matin ? 
Te coucher le soir ? 
Vivre ? 
Aimer ? 
T'indigner ? 
Rêver ? 

Qu'est ce que tu préfères ?

Dans ta vie ? 
Chez tes amis ? 
Chez une personne du sexe opposé ? 
Chez une personne du même sexe ? 
Ecouter ? 
Faire ? 

Tu es plutôt...

Timide : 
Lunatique : 
Jaloux/Jalouse : 
Fidèl(e) : 
Gentil(le) : 
Possessif/Possessive : 
Souriant(e) : 
Prétentieux/Prétentieuse : 
Pudique : 
Poli(e) : 
Intelligent(e) : 
Dépensièr(e) : 
Peureux/Peureuse : 
Romantique : 
Dépendant(e) : 
Pessimiste : 
Doux/Douce : 
Optimiste : 
Simple : 
Silencieux/Silencieuse : 
Bruyant(e) : 
Affectueux/Affectueuse : 
Alcoolique : 
Radin(e) : 
Egoiste : 
Gaffeur/Gaffeuse : 
Etourdi(e) : 
Tendre : 
Chaleureux/Chaleureuse : 
Discret(e) : 
Arrogant(e) : 
Sensible : 
Obstiné : 
Complexé : 
Vulgaire : 

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