famousdreamer26 Tu veux la rencontrer ? Tchat avec elle !

A propos de famousdreamer26

Stella , 62 ans , Femme , Gudhjem
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Apparence physique

Apparence physique Je suis gentil(le)!
Poids Athlétique
Peau Claire ou très claire
Cheveux Noirs
Cheveux (longueur) Courts
Tatouage(s) Oui
Piercing(s) Non

Mode de vie

Sports Bowling, Fitness, Golf, Surf, Yoga
Centre(s) d'intéret Automobile, Ecriture, Mer / Plage, Montagne, Musées
Fume Non
Alcool Occasionnel

Pour en savoir plus

Métier Adjoint administratif d'administration centrale
Scolarité BAC techno/pro
Situation Divorcé(e)
Enfant(s) Aucun
Désire un/des enfant(s) Non
Animal(aux) Oui
Désire un/des animal(aux) Oui
Vis-tu seul(e) ? Oui
Recherche Un homme
Relation Amoureuse
Orientation Hétérosexuel(le)
Trait(s) de caractère Communicatif, Concentré, Confient, Courageux, Courtois, Créatif, Dévoué, Digne, Doucereux
Signe astrologique Taureau


I am an avid traveler, and like traveling around the world to see great museums, theatre, and Michelin-starred restaurants. I have gone to America each Spring for the past six years. I am looking forward to going back in the Winter. I also love to hike in nature, especially in National Parks. I have been to about 35 National Parks. My late son, who was an Eagle Scout, was my primary hiking partner. I am adventurous, active, fit, and fun, and I would like to find a partner who enjoys International travel, and exploring our National Parks. I am interested in meeting that special someone who is interested in a long-term, monogamous, committed relationship. I have spent a large portion of the past years of the pandemic on a journey of personal growth, and trying to become the best version of myself. This has included psychotherapy, improving my emotional health, and reading extensively about relationships. I also enjoy cooking, and good food, wine, and fine dining. Locally, I prefer Carson’s, Drake’s, and ethnic restaurants for Thai, Indian, or Japanese food. However, I would rather cook at home with my partner, and enjoy a glass of wine with good music, so we can sing and dance while we prepare our meal! I am an avid reader. At any given time, I am reading multiple books, and have over forty books checked out from my local library. Intelligence and good conversations are a turn-on to me, as is kindness and compassion. Honesty, integrity, and character are a given. I am very faithful and loyal to those whom I love, and am very attentive and affectionate. I am genuine and authentic, and what you see, is what you get! I'm not on here for head games so please don't bother to show possible interest if you're not searching for something SERIOUS!!!

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