jenny202068 Tu veux la rencontrer ? Tchat avec elle !

A propos de jenny202068

Jenny , 28 ans , Femme , La-reunion-2
Etait en ligne il y a plusieurs jours
localisation de jenny202068 pour rencontre et tchat

Apparence physique

Apparence physique Très bien
Taille 1m52
Poids Athlétique
Peau Claire ou très claire
Cheveux Blonds
Cheveux (longueur) Mi-longs
Cheveux (style) Raides
Yeux Noirs
Tatouage(s) Oui
Piercing(s) Oui

Pour en savoir plus

Trait(s) de caractère Affectueux
Signe astrologique Verseau


Dear Sirs, My name is Jenny 23 years old
Are you looking to have fun with a horny latino girl after a long day to release stress. I am your best option in town.
All photos are recently taken and authentic.
I am an independent supplier and take care of every minute of our time, never rush for you, I appreciate this work and provide my best service to you.
I am a lovely sweet girl. 1m52 and weighs 48kg with long straight hair and natural C Cup shaped breasts.
I am very happy in this industry because I always feel horny all the time ????????
I can guarantee that the time we share together will be both memorable and exciting! ????????
I live in a private townhouse and easy street parking. We can have a lot of fun here and have fun with each other. You would not be disappointed and will not regret !! ????????

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