l7luie Tu veux la rencontrer ? Tchat avec elle !

A propos de l7luie

Robyn , 32 ans , Femme , Cas-di-paloma
Etait en ligne il y a plusieurs jours
localisation de l7luie pour rencontre et tchat

Apparence physique

Apparence physique Pas mal
Taille 1m63
Poids Mince
Cheveux Châtains
Yeux Verts

Mode de vie

Fume Non

Pour en savoir plus

Scolarité Diplôme de 2e ou 3e cycle universitaire
Situation Célibataire
Enfant(s) Aucun
Désire un/des enfant(s) Peut-être
Orientation Hétérosexuel(le)
Signe astrologique Capricorne


When sky blue gets dark enough,
To see the colors of the city lights;
A trail of ruby red and diamond white
Hits her like a sunrise.

She comes and goes... And comes and goes,
Like no one can.

Tonight she's out to lose herself,
And find a high on Peachtree Street;
From mixed drinks to techno beats it's always
Heavy into everything.

She comes and goes... She comes and goes,
Like no one can.
She comes and goes... And no one knows,
She's slipping through my hands...

She's always buzzing just like
Neon, neon
Neon, neon
Who knows how long, how long, how long...
She can go before she burns away.

I can't be her angel now,
You know it's not my place to hold her down;
And it's hard for me to take a stand,
When I would take her anyway I can.

She comes and she goes,
Like no one can, like no one can.
She comes and she goes...
She's slipping through my hands,

She's always buzzing just like
Neon, neon
Neon, neon
Who knows how long, how long, how long
She can go before she burns away, away.

She comes and she goes...
Like no one can, like no one can.
She comes and she goes,
She's slipping all through my hands oh

She's always buzzing just like
Neon, neon
Neon, neon
Who knows how long, how long, how long
She can go before she burns away...

©John Mayer - Where The Light Is [Live].

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