marleine23 Tu veux la rencontrer ? Tchat avec elle !

A propos de marleine23

Kinanga , 32 ans , Femme , Kazhlich
Dernière activité il y a 33 minutes
localisation de marleine23 pour rencontre et tchat

Apparence physique

Apparence physique Très bien
Taille < 1m50
Poids Mince
Peau Plutôt mate
Cheveux Châtains
Cheveux (longueur) Longs
Cheveux (style) Crête
Yeux Bruns
Tatouage(s) Oui
Piercing(s) Oui

Mode de vie

Sports Aerobic sportive, Aéromodélisme, Agility, Aikido, Aqua gym
Centre(s) d'intéret Animaux, Archéologie, Art moderne, Arts numériques, Balades
Fume Non
Alcool Non

Pour en savoir plus

Métier Acheteur d'espaces pub
Scolarité Brevet
Situation En couple
Enfant(s) Oui, 1
Désire un/des enfant(s) Non
Animal(aux) Non
Désire un/des animal(aux) Non
Vis-tu seul(e) ? Non
Recherche Un homme
Relation Amicale
Orientation Hétérosexuel(le)
Trait(s) de caractère Affectueux, Alcoolique, Ambitieux, Angélique, Averti, Bavard, Blasé
Signe astrologique Taureau


Hi Dear,
Compliments to you and thanks for taking your precious time to reply to my mail. I am more than happy and grateful to you. I know you will be a good and honest friend. What can i say !,anyway let me tell you a little bit about myself and with time we will know more about each other OK.

I am Dr, Yasmin Moore, born and brought up in 1 Basinghall Avenue, London, CZ32 88A/  United Kingdom, into a family of three, I am age 49 single with one daughter schooling in united kingdom , again have a Carribean root too, from my grand parents.
I attended my high school in England. After then I proceeded to  Basinghall, for my University career and graduated as a Medical Practitioner. Presently i work with the United Kingdom Health Department and the General medical center as a consultant on Child health.

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