Apparence physique | Je suis gentil(le)! |
Taille | 1m73 |
Poids | Athlétique |
Peau | Mate à foncée |
Cheveux | Noirs |
Cheveux (longueur) | Longs |
Cheveux (style) | Afro |
Yeux | Noirs |
Tatouage(s) | Non |
Piercing(s) | Non |
Sports | Baby foot |
Centre(s) d'intéret | Bricolage |
Fume | Non |
Alcool | Non |
Métier | Sapeur-Pompier Volontaire |
Scolarité | Diplôme de 2e ou 3e cycle universitaire |
Situation | Célibataire |
Enfant(s) | Aucun |
Désire un/des enfant(s) | Non |
Animal(aux) | Non |
Désire un/des animal(aux) | Non |
Vis-tu seul(e) ? | Oui |
Recherche | Une femme |
Relation | Autre |
Orientation | Bisexuel(le) |
Trait(s) de caractère | Créatif |
Signe astrologique | Lion |
I am Mazen Ehab. I am happy to talk to you, even if we did not meet. Thank you. I found this application in the search engine for the way. Escaping from my dark reality is a very bad period until I completed high school successfully and joined the studies that I like to manage in organizations because my dream is to help people, and now I am completely frustrated.
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